Tag Archives: Marigolds

2015_Day 249: Marigolds DO rock! 

My mom taught me that marigolds were a great flower to plant around tomatoes because their strong scent kept away some insects and sometimes even rabbits and squirrels. And until recently, that’s all I really ever used them for. But they were a great addition on their own to my Texas garden this year, and I really enjoyed their color, their tolerance for the heat (with a little TLC) and the fact that I could harvest their seeds by the dozen for replanting. Continue reading

2015_Day 183: Where is 2015 going?

Zinnia, cosmos, daisy and marigold seeds are in these envelopes.

Zinnia, cosmos, daisy and marigold seeds are in these envelopes.

Can you believe that 2015 is officially half over? Seems like the year just started, right? I don’t know about you, but it’s been a pretty good first six months for me. The inside of my house is slowly coming together and is getting that lived-in feel. The outside, specifically the backyard, definitely has a lot more going for it than when we moved in and it was just a blank slate of green grass. A couple raised beds, a crape myrtle shrub/tree and several containers and hanging plants later, it feels a lot more like a backyard I would want. Continue reading

2015_Day 161: Garden survived week without me

As much as I enjoy vacations, it sure feels good to get home, sleep in your own bed and just enjoy your own surroundings. The heat (90s during the day) didn’t hurt the garden as much as I thought it might. In fact, the marigolds seemed to love it. Continue reading