Tag Archives: plants

2015_Day 123: Food for the tomatoes, beans, peas

Feeding a garden something other than water is new to me, but I’m giving it a try. Today, I put a mix of nitrogen, phosphate and potash in the dirt near my tomatoes, beans and peas in hopes that the tomatoes might get bushier and something — anything — might come from the beans and peas that are left. Continue reading

2015_Day 10: Breathing new life into aglaonema

2015/01/img_6669.jpgAbout two months ago, I bought a beautiful aglaonema that I kept on my patio until the nights started getting really cool. I had never seen one with this coloring before, the leaves – most of their stems, too – are edged in red, while the insides are mostly shades of green and yellow. The plant is quite elegant, I think, and is just a treat to look at. Continue reading