Tag Archives: work

2015_Day 345: Goodbye Friday, hello weekend

Okay, so I couldn’t write a fifth consecutive blog title full of alliteration. I tried, but I just couldn’t find the “f” word that described my Friday accurately. Yeah, I know there’s that “f” word, but that wasn’t quite right. Not that it wouldn’t have described at least a good portion of my day. Just not all. Continue reading

2015_Day 39: Rubber duckie go away, please

imageDreams are weird. And not real. But I hate it when one wakes me ups, my heart pounding because it seemed so real. Mine (I suppose like many others) usually coincide with something going on in my life. Most often they’ve revolved around my job. Many times they even combine in one dream people I’ve worked with in numerous places. Continue reading

2015_Day 14: Here’s to working my ass off once again| Daily Prompt

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Connect the Dots.”

Until about six months, I had never been unemployed. I had worked as a journalist for more than 20 years — and loved the fast-paced, never-a-dull-minute lifestyle it offered. But when husband had the chance to take a new job in Austin, Texas, I gave my notice, sold our house, packed up the family and made the trek from Green Bay, Wis., to join him. It was strange, to say the least, not going to work every day. Continue reading