Tag Archives: pumpkins

2015_Day 354: Maybe it’ll just melt away?

I like to take on artsy-crafty projects, but that doesn’t mean I’m always good at them. My pumpkin snowman is a good example of a recent craft fail. While the intent was good, it just didn’t come together for me the way I wanted it to. The idea was pretty simple: Paint three pumpkins white, then stack them, draw on a face, and and a scarf and a hat. Continue reading

2015_Day 347: Project pumpkin snowman 

A few weeks ago when I was putting up Christmas lights, I noticed most of the pumpkins from the Halloween/Thanksgiving decorations that weren’t carved were still good. I hated to throw them out. It seemed such a waste. Then I had a thought. Why not try making a snowman out of them? Continue reading

2015_Day 300: Turning the corner with pumpkins

So, it appears at least two of my pumpkins have survived their battle with the squash vine borer. I say appears because I won’t totally believe it until the pumpkins are orange and decorating my front steps. But really, it’s been about 6 weeks since the vine borer first reared its ugly head. Since then, I’ve lost at least a half dozen tiny pumpkins. Continue reading

2015_Day 299: Mickey the pumpkin

Yes, it’s a little late, but we finally got a couple pumpkins carved for Halloween. Well, daughter did the carving, but it got done. She found a Mickey Mouse pattern, drew it on, then carved away! I think she forgot how tiring it can be because she decided to freehand the second pumpkin, which is still being worked on as I write this. Continue reading

2015_Day 292: Adios pepper plant, move over tomatoes

My pepper plant may have been loyal, but it finally had to go to make room for the pumpkin plants. I had been training the vines in circles around the two far left raised beds, but the 8 feet just wasn’t enough for them. Wanda, the longer vine, had already grown through the cage holding up the pepper plant. So it was adios, see ya, dasvidanya for the peppers. Continue reading

2015_Day 289: Another pumpkin bites the dust

Each day, it seems, another little pumpkin seems to curl up and die on the vine. I’m afraid the squash vine borer that attacked the plant in mid-September is to blame. I can’t think of any other reason why so many tiny pumpkins would form, only to wither on the vine before reaching their potential. Continue reading

2015_Day 281: Pumpkin shriveling on the vine

Changes happen often in gardens and most gardeners suffer through the unpleasant as well as the good ones. My garden certainly is no different. Just two days ago, I was excited to see three little pumpkins on my big pumpkin plant (I call her Wanda). Continue reading