Tag Archives: Vegetables

2015_Day 147: Stretching out in the garden

While I’m not sure how the onions are taking all the wet weather, the cucumbers appear to be liking it. I wrote earlier that I was worried they were starting to acquire a bit of cucumber jaundice, but they seem to be okay so far. Continue reading

2015_Day 103: A collage of flowers and veggies

I could look at them all day. Of course, if I could do that (i.e. not go to work), maybe I wouldn’t enjoy the flowers and vegetables as much, right? As it is, enjoying the views, watering, weeding, giving the garden whatever it needs, is the best time of day for me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Life is good!

2015_Day 100: Darn dog Chloe likes flowers, too

In Wisconsin, I would have thought these prints were made by deer. Here in Texas, a fenced-in backyard means the prints belong to darn dog Chloe.

In Wisconsin, I would have thought these prints were made by deer. Here in Texas, a fenced-in backyard means the prints belong to darn dog Chloe.

My last vegetable garden was protected by a chicken wire fence. It kept out the deer and most of the rabbits. And darn dog Chloe. Continue reading

2015_Day 98: Sweet red peppers are late bloomers

Finally! The sweet red peppers have sprouted.

Finally! The sweet red peppers have sprouted.

It’s official. At least one of everything I planted has come up. The late bloomers were the sweet red peppers in the raised garden bed and the aubrieta flowers in one of the pots near the house. Continue reading

2015_Day 86: Houston, we have a tomato

My weekend got off to a great start despite working later than usual Friday night. After a quick supper, I headed outside to water the flowers and vegetables and stake the tomato plants. I think I squealed when I saw a cute little tomato growing on one of the Early Girls. Continue reading