Tag Archives: heat

Summer tomatoes a success


It was a good year for my tomatoes, even though I don’t have many photos to prove it. My raised beds (above) have been cleared of their remnants for a couple weeks now. But for several months before that, I was able to pick enough to eat daily, whether on salads, BLTs or just cut up in chunks and sprinkled with salt. I had a few issues with birds eating the tomatoes, but I avoided most of those problems by picking the fruit as soon as it started turning yellow. The leaf-footed bugs stayed away from the tomatoes, too, and while I had problems with slugs on the lettuce, they also ignored the tomatoes. Continue reading

2015_Day 224: Fun at Schlitterbahn

The tube floats were our favorite thing to do.

The tube floats were our favorite thing to do.

The people of Texas have figured out how to beat the heat — or at least how to tolerate it and have fun at the same time. It’s called Schlitterbahn Waterparks – and there are four of them in Texas (one in Kansas, too). I was lucky to get some time off work, so I took daughter and step-daughter for a day of fun in the water Monday. Continue reading

2015_Day 206: Just another pretty face 

It’s no secret I love flowers. That I fall in love with new flowers all the time. Lately it’s the vinca, a flower that’s supposed to tolerate heat well. So far, it’s lived up to the hype. And I love the way the flowers open. So symmetrical. So precise. So…pretty. Continue reading

2015_Day 202: Unexpected pleasures in hot summer sun

IMG_1833I hadn’t been holding my breath that the poppies in my flower bed would ever actually get flowers on them, but I was okay with that because the poppy leaves were a nice contrast both in color and texture from the gazanias and petunias also claiming a spot in the bed. So I was a bit surprised to see two yellow poppy flowers had bloomed during the day. Continue reading

2015_Day 199: Can tomatoes stand the heat?

Tomatoes on the kitchen windowsill.

Tomatoes on the kitchen windowsill.

On this hot, summer Saturday, I’m happy to report that I’ve got a windowsill full of tomatoes from my garden. But looking at the forecast for the next week to 10 days, I think it’s going to take a lot of extra water to keep that sill full of the red fruit. Continue reading

2015_Day 187: A few new flowers for the containers

Purple and pink vincas have replaced the petunias in this container.

Purple and pink vincas have replaced the petunias in this container.

Over the weekend, I found some holiday flower sales and figured it was a good time to brighten up the containers on my back patio. One of them in particular had really gone downhill, I suspect because it had too much water. Not that we’ve gotten a ton of rain lately, but unfortunately the downpours we did get waterlogged the one container and it just didn’t want to drain. Continue reading

2015_Day 161: Garden survived week without me

As much as I enjoy vacations, it sure feels good to get home, sleep in your own bed and just enjoy your own surroundings. The heat (90s during the day) didn’t hurt the garden as much as I thought it might. In fact, the marigolds seemed to love it. Continue reading

2015_Day 114: Hot, humid weather perfect for tomatoes 

We were talking about the weather at work today, and a co-worker commented how she wasn’t ready for the 90s and the humidity. It has been humid lately and we’ve had at least one 90-degree day with more in the weekend forecast. Innocently (I am new to Texas, after all), I asked if 90s in April were common, adding that I thought those hot temperatures would hold off til at least May. Continue reading