Tag Archives: peace

2015_Day 341: Monday madness

Every day, it seems another moronic comment comes from the mouth of Donald Trump. First he wants to build a wall to keep out all the Mexicans. Today he wants to ban all Muslims from traveling to U.S. Tomorrow, who knows? But if you’re not white, it could be you. Or at least that’s the way it seems to me and plenty others. At first, I thought his candidacy was a joke and he wouldn’t last a month. I still think it’s a joke, but it’s getting kind of scary (disappointing, disheartening) now to see he seems to have so much support. If he gets the Republican nomination and goes on to win the White House (how appropriate, right?), this country deserves what happens to it. How can anyone think a Trump presidency would be positive for America? The best Christmas present any of us could hope for would be for Donald Trump to go away. Far, far away. We need to start working toward peace on earth. Let it begin with you, Mr. Trump.

2015_Day 13: Is it too hard to try to be nice?

A discussion board for journalist asks whether those in that profession (especially in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo murders) should carry guns for their protection. In Wisconsin last year, several men were questioned by police after (legally) open-carrying assault weapons on the streets of Green Bay and Appleton (and probably other cities) – just because they can. A child in (insert state here) is shot and killed by police after he pulls out what’s later found to be a toy gun. Police everywhere are being asked to make split-second, life-or-death decisions every day on our nation’s streets. Homeowners are buying and using guns for protection in their homes. Continue reading