Tag Archives: chives

2015_Day 337: Three cheers for chives

Well, whaddya know. The chives in my garden are still growing. Or, maybe I should say they’re growing again. I planted them back in March and they did well until mid to late July. Then it got really hot. And while the basil did okay in the extreme heat, the chives didn’t like it so much. Continue reading

2015_Day 313: A spice-y Monday

Yet more things the rain has been good for — the basil and the chives in my garden. I thought both had finished for the season, but not yet. There’s no telling how long they will last, but it looks like I’ll be able to dry more of both for winter seasonings. Yum!

2015_Day 108: Garden, one month in

Peas and beans.

Peas and beans.

It’s been four weeks since I planted my garden. One month, and everything, thankfully, has survived. By this time next month, I hope to be eating peas, beans and maybe cucumbers.
Tomatoes and sweet red peppers.

Tomatoes and sweet red peppers.

Cherry tomatoes and some lettuce.

Cherry tomatoes and some lettuce.

Cucumbers, onions, chives and basil.

Cucumbers, onions, chives and basil.

2015_Day 81: Garden planted on March 22

It only took about 90 minutes to even the dirt, plant all the veggies, cage the tomatoes and water the new plantings.

It only took about 90 minutes to even the dirt, plant all the veggies, cage the tomatoes and water the new plantings.

That’s a blog headline I never thought I’d be writing. Planting a garden in Wisconsin the past six years, March meant waiting for the snow to disappear and eagerly waiting to get into the garden to till the ground. And that rarely happened before the end of April. The last frost usually was around May 7, so other than lettuce, nothing got planted before mid-May. Continue reading